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Increase Your Physical Activity

Change your Lifestyle

It is not always easy to find the time to exercise regularly. However, adopting certain habits may allow you to increase your level of physical activity. Here are two tips to help you!

Girls Walking


1) Walk more; it's good for the body and the mind!

An old proverb says, "We get pennies with pennies!" We like the idea of applying this principle to physical activity. Indeed, by making a few small changes every day, it is possible to reach the goal of not for the maintenance of optimal general health, that is to say, 10 000 steps per day.

You will see, it's easy! Here are some simple tips:

Park your car a few blocks from your workplace. In addition to allowing you to walk more, you will take a little air, which will do the greatest good to your mind!

Go to the convenience store or grocery store on foot whenever possible.
Park as far as possible from the entrance when you go shopping by car.

Take a walk during breaks or meal times. No need to walk for an hour! Five to ten minutes is enough to create a habit and feel the benefits.

Go out with the kids! Walking with your family is a pleasant and beneficial activity for everyone.

Enjoy commercial breaks during your favorite shows to walk or do some squats. Make your TV moments more productive!

Take regular breaks during your workday, and walk a little. You will have more energy and you will be more focused. As they say, "A healthy mind in a healthy body!"

2) Use the stairs; he is your best friend!

Climbing the stairs is very good for your health. It's good for the heart, and it's also a real physical activity that burns fat, as well as toning your thighs and buttocks.

Do you live in a building and your apartment is not on the ground floor? Avoid taking the elevator! In addition to providing health benefits, using the stairs is a great way to get some exercise done, for free.

Your workplace is on the 10th floor of a building? Taking the stairs is an excellent choice. But beware, do not climb the 10 floors at once! Go gradually. Start by climbing the stairs to the 2nd floor, then take the elevator. Then, each week, go up one more floor. You will see, in a few weeks, you will get surprising results!

Have you ever been short of breath after climbing several steps? It's not just people with asthma or smokers who are feeling short of breath. It's the same for people who train frequently. Indeed, this activity requires much more muscle than walking or jogging, and it accelerates the pace of the heart, which then needs oxygen. It is this oxygen deficiency that causes shortness of breath. But do not worry, it will not necessarily be that way! The more you climb the stairs, the less breathless you will be.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in!

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