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Essential Benefits of Cinnamon

Cinnamon Recipe

A sore throat is nothing but an inflammatory response in the throat that causes swelling and pain and can also make talking or swallowing difficult. With the change in season, having too much of cold foods or oily foods can cause throat soreness. There are a lot of medicines that can treat a sore throat but the treatment does take time.

Cinnamon Tea

A soothing toasty warm cinnamon sore throat tea can do wonders and can give you relief from the pain! Cinnamon has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help you treat a sore throat successfully. Below is a Cinnamon Recipe for tasty DIY cinnamon sore throat tea along with its benefits:


Cinnamon has antifungal, antibacterial, and even antiviral properties. The combination of cinnamon and almond milk can serve as a medicine for numerous respiratory diseases and it can help you to relax and get better sleep. This cinnamon tea works well in soothing strep throat pain and the infection too gradually.

Cinnamon and ginger have great anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory responses that soothe your throat inflammation and reduces the swelling thereby reducing the pain.

Ginger boosts the immune system so it is used as a natural treatment for colds and flu. Moreover, ginger contains antiviral, antitoxin and antifungal properties. By inducing sweating and expelling heat, it also relieves mild fever.

Almond milk soothes the throat and honey too reduce inflammation and kills all the unwanted germs and bacteria. The tea not only is medicinal but is easy to make and tastes very delicious.

Things you need:

1 cup almond milk (you can also use coconut milk or regular cow milk but almond milk tastes better and has healing properties),

1/4 teaspoon of organic ginger powder (you can use 1/2-inch whole ginger too but powder works better),

1/4 teaspoon of organic Ceylon cinnamon powder

1 tablespoon of raw honey.


Firstly, warm 1 cup of milk and pour it into a cup. ( if you using whole ginger then you will have to warm the milk with the ginger piece)

Add in ginger powder and give it a good mix. Now, add in the cinnamon powder followed by raw honey.

Mix everything well, strain the tea and consume warm.


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