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How to Reduce Cholesterol?

Reducing Cholesterol Without Medication

Nearly a third of French people have too much cholesterol and must follow a suitable diet. Not always easy or pleasant to hold, but rewarding when you can reduce the rate without medication.

Reduce Cholesterol Without Medication

According to your blood tests, you have too much cholesterol. Your doctor has advised you to pay attention to. The priority: adopt a certain diet.


Less saturated fat, more fiber

The National Agency of Sanitary Security of the drug (ANSES) indicates that the reduction of the cholesterol level "relies in the first place on an adapted diet and on a good hygiene of life, a limitation of the consumption of alcohol, a weight control and correction of excessive sedentary lifestyle ".

Overall, it is advisable to reduce the intakes of cholesterol and saturated fats (contained in meats, cold cuts, cheeses, butter, eggs, fries, pastries ...) in favor of complex carbohydrates (starchy foods, cereals) and fibers (fruits and vegetables). vegetables).

Moderately alcohol, regular physical activity

Drinking alcohol reasonably, because if drinking a glass or two a day can increase the rate of "good" cholesterol (HDL) by 10 to 15%, drinking more is obviously deleterious.

"Contrary to what we have believed, it is the ethanol [alcohol] of wine that has a protective effect on cardiovascular diseases, not polyphenols [antioxidants]," says Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen, nutritionist.

Moving for at least 30 minutes a day also causes a slight rise in this "good" cholesterol (5 to 10%). So walk, pedal, swim, garden: the effect is proportional to the frequency and intensity of physical activity.

One in two people can reduce their cholesterol

At the price of permanent attention - for an excess of moderate cholesterol - this rate can return to normal without medication. Still, need to "hold" on the long course. According to a study of more than 500 hypercholesterolemic people followed by a doctor, barely 45% of them really adhere to dietary advice.

Why is it so difficult? "Physicians are often faced with patient resistance to privations and the monotony of dietary advice. But few doctors have the time to deepen and repeat them, says Dr. Cohen. People integrate big messages, but they lack practical advice on a daily basis. "

And they are wrong. "Following the cholesterol guidelines always leads to the removal of fat. Cholesterol is a molecule that does not appear in all fats. "

30% of French people have too much cholesterol
In France, about 30% of the population has too much cholesterol. According to the nutritionist, a large part would simply need a diet and some instructions for healthy living. That is why he proposes a form of coaching on the Internet:.

This site - registration is free - is intended to assist treating physicians. Sponsored by Danone and its brand Danacol (dairy product enriched in phytosterols, molecules of plant origin), it does not make the apology.

The interest of phytosterols when the diet is not enough

"There needs to be graduation in the treatment of cholesterol," says Dr. Cohen. The first step, the diet. Then the phytosterols, if the diet is not enough. As consuming 1.5 to 2.4 g / day of phytosterols reduces LDL ("bad") by about 10% in people who have too much cholesterol.

"Some yogurts, margarine or salad dressings are enriched with phytosterols. They must be chosen according to their tastes and needs. For example, the need for calcium will lead to yogurt, and heavy consumers of butter will turn to margarine; but others will prefer vinaigrettes. "

Whether fortified products or dietary supplements, do not take long-term: past two to three months of regular consumption, sterols no longer lower LDL cholesterol. Also avoid in pregnant women, in cases of vitamin A deficiency or excess sitosterol (a derivative of cholesterol made by the body) in the blood.

The good numbers

2.2 g / l: LDL level not to be exceeded in the absence of a risk factor.
1 g / l: LDL level not to be exceeded for a high-risk patient: previous history of myocardial infarction, type 2 diabetes, with two risk factors.

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