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What is Asthma?

Asthma is a condition in which your airways narrow and swells and produce extra mucus.that can make our breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath.

A Girl suffering from asthma

What causes asthma?


The two key categories of asthma allergens are:

  • Inhaled allergens: Common allergens that cause allergic asthma include pollens, dust mites, pet dander, cockroach’s particles, etc.
  • Food allergens: Some foods that are associated with allergic asthma symptoms are eggs, cow's milk, peanuts, tree nuts (such as almonds, walnuts), soy, wheat, fish, and other shellfish.

Irritants in the environment: Irritants in the air can also bring on an asthma episode. Some of these include smog, wood fires, charcoal grills, strong fumes, vapors, or odors (such as paint, gasoline, perfumes, and scented soaps), chemicals, etc.

Respiratory illness: Infections such as colds, flu (influenza), sore throats, sinus infections, pneumonia, etc. are common asthma triggers in children.

Weather conditions: Sudden change in weather, dry or wet wind, or cold air at times may also aggravate an asthma attack.

Certain medicines: If you are an asthmatic, do not take any medicines without consulting your doctor. 

There are certain drugs and additives that are known to aggravate asthma. So be cautious!

Food Tips for Asthmatic Person

Eat apples, as these are packed with beneficial compounds flavonoids. In particular, khellin, which has been proven to open up airways.

Eat Vitamin C rich foods, such as orange, broccoli, sprouts, tomatoes as they contain potent antioxidants that ward off lung damage by fighting free radicals.

Sip coffee and black tea at least two cups a day. These two act like bronchodilator and have been shown to improve airflow.

Avoid beer, wine, hard cider because sulfite – a common ingredient in these – can trouble your breathing.

Avoid egg or peanuts, if you have an allergy to them as it would aggravate asthma.


Try these tips to work-out comfortably:

Buffer your workout with at least 10 minutes of warm-up and cool-down time because sudden changes in activity can trigger breathlessness.

Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout.

Watch the weather. During peak allergy seasons (extreme hot or cold, or when air quality is poor) move your workout indoors.

Keep meds handy. Use your inhaler at the first sign of symptoms.

Asthma sufferer, “During an asthma attack, it feels like you’re drowning in air.” In medical terms, asthma is a condition in which the bronchial tubes — the passages that allow air to enter and leave lungs — get inflamed and sensitive to allergens. During an asthma attack, the bronchial tubes get inflamed, narrowing the air passages and this makes it extremely difficult to breathe.

Last but certainly not the least, try to find out your allergy triggers and stay away from them. Also, do consult your specialist for personalized guidance.

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