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Be Healthy Tips

How to be Healthy?

Many people with serious illnesses would do everything to be healthy one day. Because it's only when you get sick that you realize how lucky you were. In order to be in good health and to give the maximum of yourself, follow these recommendations.

How to be healthy

1-Drink more water.

Let's start with something simple. An adult must drink one liter or more of water each day, which is 6 glasses of 25 cl of water. Diuretics like coffee or tea do not matter! Water helps keep the body at the right temperature and eliminate toxins inevitably produced by your metabolism and industrial life. You will be and you will automatically feel healthier.

Water cleanses your skin, helps your kidneys function, helps control your appetite and allows you to be more energetic. If being slimmer, more dynamic and having a better skin are not motivations, what are you asking?

Drinking plenty of water will also prevent you from drinking other drinks, such as sodas and very high-calorie juices. The body gets almost nothing and after consuming hundreds of calories, you will still be hungry. If you need some flavor, squeeze a lemon or lime or pour a little bit of pure fruit juice into your water.

2-Respect your food sensations.

Hunger and satiety indicate when the body needs nutrients and when we have eaten enough. All people do not have the same pace and for example, some will be hungry in the early morning. They should be careful not to miss a hearty breakfast. Others will not feel the need, just drink to rehydrate and eat later. However, it is bad to wait for the usual meal time to eat while hungry. The best is then to take a small snack that will not cut appetite too long.

Instead of eating two chocolate doughnuts and a coffee that contains more cream than anything else, choose high-protein foods, fruits, skim milk, fresh orange juice or tea. more healthy your breakfast or snack is, the more energetic and satisfied you will feel throughout the day.

Remember that not all fats are bad for your health. Healthy fats are found in oily fish such as salmon and tuna, avocados, nuts, and olive oil. These elements are essential to a balanced diet.

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