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7 foods that helps loose weight

Weight  Loss Food

You hit the gym regularly, go through numberless sit-ups and stability exercises but still nothing! Not an ab in sight. Not even a one-pack. It’s discouraging, we know.


Maybe the saying “abs are made in the kitchen” is cliché, but its foundation is still true. No one will see your abs if you don’t do something about the layer of lard sitting on top of it, no matter how strong your core is. You’ll have to ditch the junk food, obviously, but you’ll also have to incorporate fare into your diet that torches belly fat, boosts metabolism, and banishes bloat. Luckily, we’ve made up a list of the most important foods you should include into your diet to expose the six-pack within.



Eggs consist of a nutrient called choline that boosts metabolism and choline may help turn off the genes responsible for belly fat storage. Research has also found eating eggs for breakfast instead of a bagel full of carb, can make it easier to lose weight. That is probably due to the egg’s satiety amount. To reap the nutrient-packed, ab-shredding benefits of the breakfast favorite, you should choose hard-boiled eggs or whip up a batch of mini frittatas.



Even the most toned stomach can look a bit paunchy from a bloated belly. Bananas are a powerful weapon against the water retention and gas. The women who ate a banana twice on a daily basis as a snack before a meal for 2 months, diminished their belly-bloat by 50%, according to a study. Amazing, right? This fruit increases bloat-fighting bacteria in the stomach and it’s rich source of potassium, helping in diminishing water retention. Now you can show off the hard-earned body and finally hit the beach with confidence!


Roasted Chicken

Research has demonstrated eating protein boosts satiety and helps people eat less at subsequent meals. Protein has a high thermogenic effect compared to fats and carbs. So, you can enjoy eating lean cuts of chicken and turkey on a daily basis. For the best flab-frying results, a specialist suggests consuming 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. Protein can boost post-meal calorie burn by as much as 35%!



Beans, lentils, peas, and chickpeas are like magic bullets revealing the abs. One Spanish study, found that eating a diet restricted in calories, which included four weekly servings of legumes, helped weight loss more efficiently than an equivalent diet that doesn’t include legumes. The individuals who consumed the diet rich in legumes saw improvements in their systolic blood pressure and bad LDL cholesterol levels as well. You should definitely include them in your diet throughout the week and be blessed with their benefits.



We already know quinoa is the highest in protein from all grains and full of heart-healthy, unsaturated fats. Christopher Mohr, Ph.D., R.D. a professor of nutrition at the University of Louisville says quinoa is a powerful source of B vitamins and fibre as well. Include quinoa in your breakfast. It has fewer carbs and twice the protein of most cereals.



Did you know that amaranth and quinoa are the ab-carving Wonder Twins of grains? Let’s start by saying they’re both gluten-free sources of complete proteins and have nearly the same amount of protein and fibre. However, amaranth has its own superpowers: It possesses more anti-inflammatory monounsaturated fats than quinoa, 4 times the calcium and 20% more magnesium, a nutrient that controls blood sugar and wards off hunger so it may help weight, according to the registered dietitian Isabel Smith. Amaranth makes an ideal substitute for your morning oatmeal.



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