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What Causes the Weight Gain of Women?

Possible Reasons?

You’ve been eating nutritious foods and exercising regularly, and yet you still seem to be gaining weight. What gives? Well, there are several possible reasons behind those extra pounds, some of which are totally normal and others that are a little more concerning. Keep reading to see if you can determine why your body is packing on a little extra padding.


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Sure, this one sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s also one of the most common reasons behind unexpected weight gain in women. If you feel that your appetite has changed drastically, you feel nauseous for unexplained reasons, or that your body is acting a bit strange, consider taking a pregnancy test. The sooner you determine if you’re carrying a child, the sooner you’ll be able to take the appropriate measures to stay safe and healthy. 


When you’re stressed, your body produces a very specific kind of hormone known as cortisol. This hormone’s job is to help your body get through difficult times of tension and anxiety, and although it’s 100 percent necessary, it can have some not-so-great side effects. Increased levels of cortisol in your body can cause your body to accumulate extra fat, affect your metabolism, and even make you constantly crave sugary or salty snacks that wreck your diet. 


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One of the biggest effects that come with hypothyroidism is a slow metabolism. This means that you could easily gain an extra ten pounds or so, even if you’re eating normally and exercising on a regular basis. Without a properly functioning thyroid, your body won’t be able to process calories correctly, which often leads to unintentional weight gain. 


Everyone may feel down sometimes, but sadness alone doesn’t usually trigger weight gain. Chronic depression, on the other hand, is commonly associated with an increase in body fat. Although scientists aren’t exactly sure why depressed patients are more likely to gain weight than non-depressed patients, it’s clear that there’s a strong correlation between depression and unexplained weight fluctuations. 


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When your body is dealing with an HIV infection, it means that it’s fighting inflammation, which can cause fat to be redistributed to other areas of the body. Therefore, you might notice extra pounds accumulating around your midsection or thighs. One of the scary parts about HIV (and AIDS) is that you might not notice any signs in the early stages, so if you truly can’t think of a reason you should be gaining weight or if you’ve never been checked for HIV, get tested pronto.


Like hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's Disease is a condition that affects the thyroid’s ability to function properly. Usually, you can tell if someone has Hashimoto’s Disease by looking at the physical appearance of their thyroid (throat). The disease tends to present itself with swelling or even a large goiter. If you notice that your throat is looking a little larger than normal, contact your doctor for further investigation. 


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The majority of women who go through menopause deal with some sort of weight fluctuation. The female body undergoes vast hormonal changes during menopause, which can cause fat to accumulate around the abdomen and belly area. Aging can also cause your body’s metabolism and fat storage to change. 


When your liver stops functioning properly, either due to alcohol consumption or another reason, your body will not be able to regulate fat like it usually does. Therefore, if you notice that you’ve been gaining weight, it’s possible that your liver is struggling to handle your food intake. Bodies with poorly-functioning livers tend to be ineffective at breaking down food, which can make them feel bloated and slow. 


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Everyone freaks out as soon as they hear the “C” word, but it’s important to acknowledge that unexplained weight gain can certainly be a side effect of dangerous tumors. Pituitary cancer and ovarian are two of the most common kinds of cancer to be correlated with inexplicable weight gain. If you’re worried that your extra pounds might be indicative of a larger, scarier problem, get checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. 


People who are dealing with congestive heart failure often take medications can cause the body to take on extra weight for no apparent reason. If you don’t have CHF but have noticed that the pounds tend to stick around your midsection, this can put you at a higher risk of heart attacks, so it’s smart to get evaluated by a medical professional. 

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