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9 Tips to Maintain Brain Health

Protecting Your Brain Health

Good overall health can help you maintain your brain health. Some research shows that there are things you can do to help keep your brain healthy and your memory sharp as you age. These tips can help you stay active and healthier physically and mentally:

Photo by Robina Weermeijer

1. Choose healthy foods whenever possible

2. Drink enough fluid

3. Limit your use of alcohol

4. Don’t smoke or use tobacco products

5. Get enough sleep

6. Make physical activity part of your routine

7. Keep your mind active with learning, teaching, and volunteering

8. Stay connected with loved ones, friends, and your community

9. Manage chronic health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol

Preventing memory loss

Experts used to believe brain growth peaked in late adolescence and it was all declining from there. They believed if a person reduced brain cells because of troubles such as a head injury, stroke, or drug abuse, nothing might be done to restore memory and brain functionality. Now, thanks to discoveries in neuroscience, we know that the brain can grow new cells and form all-new neural connections. Like our muscles and other body parts, the brain can reconstruct itself through repeated use and exercise.

This is great news for individuals who intend to live a long time. It suggests we can prevent memory loss by concentrating on physical, psychological and social activities that promote healthy brain development. Even other people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias can take advantage of a healthy lifestyle.

It might aid to consider your brain as a stockpile, collecting rainfall for use over time. The process begins prior to birth as the brain begins to develop, collecting "reserves" to invest later on. The exchange continues throughout life, as your brain reacts to your experiences and environment.

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