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Intermittent Fasting Failure

Why Most People Fail in Intermittent Fasting?

Girl hands on the face

Have you embarked on some kind of fasting or diet plan and are seeing no results and so have a need to ask the above question?

Well then, welcome, because today might just be your lucky day.

We will be exploring some reasons why you may not be losing weight despite the fact that you “think” you’re doing all you’re supposed to, the way you’re supposed to do them.

Before coming to the conclusion that you’re not losing weight, you must surely have taken necessary measurements BEFORE embarking on the fast or diet plan. Progress has to be measured for over a period of time to ascertain its certainty or lack thereof.

Why your not losing weight?

There are several reasons why you may not be losing weight, let’s look at some of them.


Just because you’re not losing weight does not mean you’re not getting positive results. That you can’t see your progress on a scale does not mean your body is not making changes, so evaluating your success by how much you weigh would only discourage and frustrate you.
Make sure your weight goals are realistic, don’t be in too much hurry and try to overdo it. Choose what fasting best suits you and if you’re seeing any results at all (clothes fitting different, looking a bit trimmer, losing weight in “some parts”, etc.), then rest assured you’re doing the right things.

So just keep at it, be patient, and the more obvious results will come.


Being inconsistent with your routine would definitely hamper progress.
You can’t do it for one day and take the next day off. As we always say, consistency is key and to see those results, you can’t afford to stray at any time at all.

Stick with the plan, as long as it’s the right one for you, you’re sure to see progress with time.

Not working with the best diet plan for you

If you’re not working with a diet plan that works for you, then you will not see the progress you want. Find out more about how to know what plan works for you. A combo of the right plan, consistency and patience is sure to get you to that weight-loss goal you so dearly yearn for.

Not keeping track of what you’re eating

This is a sure way to hamper weight loss. As explained in previous articles, what you eat and drink play a major role in determining whether or not you lose weight, and just how much weight you do get to lose.

Keeping track of what you take in is just as important as anything else if you are to lose weight and may be the reason why you have not lost weight so far. Find out more about What to eat during a weight loss journey, and What to drink

Not exercising

Mixing exercise and diet plan aids shedding weight at a more increased rate than dieting alone. No matter how little, take time to exercise. You will love the overall effect on both your body and health.

Not sleeping well

Good sleep is one of the most important factors for your physical and mental health, as well as your weight.

Studies show that not sleeping well is one of the biggest risk factors for obesity i.e. people who don’t sleep well are at a greater risk of becoming obese.

It could also hinder your weight loss progress, so you should put in the effort to sleep well and if you’re having sleeping problems, please see your physician.

You have a medical condition

There are some medical conditions that can make it harder for one to lose weight. Certain medications can also make weight loss harder or even cause weight gain.

To be double sure and if you think any of this may apply to you, speak to the doctor.

It is very possible that there are many more reasons why you may not be losing weight, and mentioned above are a handful of the more common ones. Speaking to a doctor is very important to ensure you’re on the right track at every turn.

Comment below if you have other reason based on your experience.

Thanks for reading!

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