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Liquid vitamins have actually been taking the vitamin supplement spotlight. Doubtful realities and liquid vitamin claims have afflicted the minds of numerous. The vitamin absorption reality has finally shown up.

The most questionable liquid vitamin myth needs to be vitamin absorption superiority. Pill kind vitamins provide to 30% absorption rates while liquid vitamins boast a 90% absorption rate. It is time to show or disprove this truth in a visual manner.

The reality testing technique performed includes a very easy experiment. The experiment started with a theory. For a nutrient to be soaked up into the bloodstream, it will have to be entirely simplified prior to passing through the body's membranes; the villi in the small intestine or the mucous membrane. With this in mind, a tablet should be simplified prior to any nutrient absorption can happen. This will restrict the pill kind vitamin to essentially one pathway of entry into the bloodstream; the small intestine.

Liquid vitamins thankfully increase the number of entry pathways into the body which allows for a much better absorption rate. A liquid vitamin is currently in the easiest type. As you consume the liquid vitamin, absorption is already happening in your mouth's mucous membrane in addition to through tissue in your esophagus.

Now, vitamin absorption has to be more than theory. Visual proof of the vitamin supplements ability to pass through a very little membrane has to be possible. 2 vitamins were picked based on high popularity and schedule but will be kept confidential to maintain the universal nature of this experiment.

With the vitamin absorption experiment preparation total, the experiment was performed leaving just visual vitamin absorption facts behind. All elements were weighed in the past and after the experiment. Both vitamins spent equivalent time in the stomach acid equivalent along with infiltrating the coffee filter. The experiment amount of time was meant to mimic food digestion as carefully as possible which takes around 2-4 hours in the stomach.

The weighted analysis exposed 0.2 of an ounce filtered from the liquid vitamin supplement and 0.8 of an ounce filtered from the pill type vitamin. Visual evidence of the liquid vitamins capability to soak up around 3 to 4 times more effective than a pill type vitamin lives in the coffee filter.

source: Daniel Weigum

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