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Get in shape in these 30 minutes home workout

A thirty minutes workout per day is more than enough to get fit which you always dreamed of. Yes! 30 minutes workout is more than enough to get fit. It is that easy to get fit which you always dreamed of. If you follow just 2 rules. Those are



These are the hard part than doing the workout. Getting fit is all about mindset. If you prepare from your mind most probably you will succeed without a doubt. So change yourself first from the mind and then start doing exercise.

If you do specific exercise according to the purpose of your fitness (weight loss or building muscle) with consistently and self-discipline, there will be no reason that you will not get a result.

Self-discipline is more for diet oriented than work out. You will need self-discipline on workout too but it is very hard on diet and eating healthy. Most of the people get out of track easily on this part.

In the case of 30 minutes workout, you can do any specific exercise according to your purpose.

For example.

For weight loss purpose:

These are the best workout for weight loss. Mix these exercise together to workout for 30 minutes.


Jumping rope




For muscle building exercise.

Divide your day by targeting specific muscle group. I always tell people to divide your day according to push day, pull day leg and abs day and one full cardio day. you can follow any rule on that case.

Push day:

Chest: Push-ups. flat bench dumbbell press,

Triceps: dumbbell press, overhead triceps extension with dumbbells, close-grip barbell bench press,

Shoulder: Side lateral raise, seated bent-over rear delt raise, front raise with dumbbells

Pull day:

Back: Wide grip pull-up, Barbell deadlift, single-arm dumbbell row.

Bicep: EZ- bar curl, dumbbell hammer curl

Abs and leg day:

Leg: squat with weight, lunges

Abs: Russian twist, ab wheel rollout, ab crunches

Cardio day:


Jumping rope


If you do 3 sets of each exercise with proper resting time it will take only 30 minutes to work out every day. And all of this workout you can do it in your home with a pair of dumbbells and one barbell. And in case of running go to outdoor running.

You may have heard about diet it crucial and comes first then workout or may hear about 80:20 rules (80% diet and 20% workout). That’s really true.

Even if you are doing 2 hours of workout every day and you are not eating right, most probably you will not get a reasonable result.

So, the first thing to start is to start to count calories.

yeah !! you read it right, start to count calories and change proportion of food what you are eating by decreasing bad fat and excess carbohydrate with increasing proteins and good fat.

If you are committed enough to follow those mentioned advised I bet, you will get a result. Don’t fall into all those complicated planning and hardcore routine exercises just to get fit.

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